There will be only written chapters and I hope you will enjoy this story as much as possible. ❝I dont wanna hurt you but you live for the pain. Im not tryna say it but its what you became.❞ [ I N T R O ] Zayn is what you might call a t·r·a·n·s·p·o·r·t·e·r, in simple terms he transports people safely for those who pay. Jelena is the spoiled daughter of a rich man who frequently sends her away for her own safety. When Jelena is sent away with Zayn as her trans- porter, they embark on a journey filled with peril, hostility between the two of them, and a series of events that lead to life-changing decisions │ Fan-fiction based on Zigi. ✵ I’ve got to laugh about it. Because I had convinced myself that I didn’t want you, that there were better options for me out there. I told myself that the solution was finding distractions and meeting new people. And here I am; with all the options a girl could ask for. My friend has found be ‘the perfect guy’ that would love to meet me, and instead of making it happen I’m sitting here, in bed - thinking of you. He turned out being someone I wanted. ━P·R·O·L·O·G·U·E━ A cheater says a lot without even speaking. “Nu ar face asta,” șoptește și totuși nu cred că ar fi vrut They tell you they don’t love you without a ca eu să aud măcar. Cred că e o parte din Iadul hesitation, without considering ur feelings. interior prin care ea trece în perioada asta. They tell you your not important to them. Youre just a choice, a toy for them to pick “Jelena,” îi șoptesc numele destul de încet. Mă up and leave behind when theyre bored. privește și pot observa cum o lacrimă se prelinge pe Don’t be fooled by the sweet secerts they obrazul ei. “Dacă ne vor prinde, ne vor omorî.” whisper, they’ve been said far too many ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ times they have them memorized. They ❝Gigi, fac asta pentru siguranța ta.❞ hardly speak truth but actions never lie.
▪ ▪ ▪ ̤P̤̤E̤̤R̤̤S̤̤P̤̤E̤̤C̤̤T̤̤I̤̤V̤̤E̤̤♥̤̤C̤̤H̤̤A̤̤N̤̤G̤E̤, Jelena ▪ ▪ ▪
—Sunt gata să protestez din cauza spusel or tatei de până acum, dar în momentul acela sunt întrerupt
—Aştept ca bărbatul să apară de după colţul linvingului acolo unde tata avea biroul. Deja ştiu cum
—Dar, spre surprinderea mea, şoferul ăsta nu e deloc bătrând. Arată mult prea tânăr. Păr brunet,
—livingul iar lucrul pe care-l pot auzi acu m e sunetul produs de ghetele lui atunci când păşeşte
—Se apropie de tatăl meu iar tot ceea ce fac este să mă holbez la el. E un bărbat destul de arătos.
—Singurul lucru pe care vreau să-l fac este să protestez în legătură cu mersul la bunica pentru
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